Hello Tasters! There is a food systems forum in Alberta Feb 3 – 5th. This is how this post started and I went down the rabbit hole of information but I hope you enjoy! Here is the link to sign up for the event! At the bottom of this post is a list of Canadian provincial and territorial food security organizations that host conferences 🙂

This is basically what I look like before I go to a food security / food systems conference – EXCITED.

There are so many cool and amazing food organizations out there that is hard for me to pick where to start but I figure the overview might be best starting with the larger regional ones… with a few add – on’s the bottom I couldn’t help… and it is one of the first things I did when I started getting involved. The food movement tends to happen via word of mouth 🙂

Here is a link to all of the provincial and territorial networks here via Food Secure Canada (FSC) (and I copied/updated a few links at the bottom of this post)These networks listed on Food Secure Canada’s page are noted because they join National quarterly teleconferences.

Most have some sort of gathering, but they can be hard to find since they choose the most inclusive word such as : assembly, forum, gathering, harvest or conference. Some have goals such as the Cost of Eating Reports noted here, and others prefer a grassroots approach to allow the energy of those attending to create the next initiative or add energy to one that is occurring. They often take a big picture food systems approach and of course address food security. For more high level information on food systems approach click here (this might need another blog post)

A word of caution, food systems gatherings can inspire you. 

A food systems provincial gathering can change the way you think about food – and keep you forever – in a good way. It did for me. In 2008 it I went to Debert, Nova Scotia and attended the NS Food Systems gathering and it has now shaped where I spend my time. The best is it is such an inclusive space that you just need to be interested to want to go. There are SOOO many inspiring and amazing individuals that complete incredible invisible work to accomplish a goal for a better world. They really truly are the individuals that live the saying “Be the change you want to see in the world” – Gandhi. (Although apparently this is a misquote according to several sites including this one and I am not a quote checker so please let me know if you know more than I do).

For the newbies, don’t underestimate the humbleness of people involved in the food movement.

People who are involved in food security/food systems programs, initiatives, ideas should not be underestimated. They can be the most kind, humble people you’ve met. And if you are one of those people – keep it up! You are truly amazing! Sometimes you will meet people who are very clear about their ideas, but many are incredible listeners and have a lot to say but only if you ask the right questions. There will be people from all ages, all experiences and backgrounds and they are often incredibly busy doing amazing work that they are too humble to tell you about. It is a gold mine of incredible good in the world. Not easy work – but incredible good. And complicated. (So that we are all on the same page click here to learn more about food security). So tread carefully, ask questions, and always leave space for another opinion when stating your own. These topics can be an emotional topic for many and it is worth being sensitive. Plus, as a general good rule, we never really know someone’s story until we ask or listen.

Food Security – Food Systems Provincial/Territorial Organizations:

Food Secure Canada also has an Assembly which happens every 2 years to reduce emissions which happen due to travel.

Indigenous Food Sovereignty Working Group (located in BC)
BC Food Systems Network (Spring/Summer gatherings – see front page of the network)
Growing Food Security in Alberta Network (Forum Feb 3-5 2017 sign up here)
Food Secure Saskatchewan Food Summit (last one in 2012)
Food Matters Manitoba: Possibly – Growing Local Conference (last one 2014)
Sustain Ontario: (Only this link on FSC but below are several sites for conferences)
Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference (Nov)
Ecological Farmers of Ontario Conference (Nov/Dec) – sustain Ontario’s article
FoodNet Ontario
Québec has several:
Le Regroupement des cuisines collectives du Québec
Le Regroupement des jardins collectifs du Québec
La Coalition pour la souveraineté alimentaire (National coalition based in Quebec)
New Brunswick Food Security Action Network: Growing the Community and Sharing the Harvest (Oct)
Nova Scotia Food Security Network (No current yearly meetings but 2 active groups:
FoodARC (research and completes food costing every 2 years) &
Ecology Action Centre (sustainable focus currently on: Built Environment, Marine, Coastal and Water, Wilderness, Food, Transportation and Energy)
PEI Food Security Network (Provincial gatherings last one April 2016 and call to be involved in several great working groups)
Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador (Focused on regional discussions about everybody eats)
Growers of Organic Food Yukon (GOOFY) (Monthly winter meetings, focus on farming and in need of volunteers 🙂 ) 
Feeding My Family (located in Nunavut)
Note*: I am investigating if some of organizations have a conference I can’t find and will edit this post as needed.

Since I couldn’t help myself : here are a few more great organizations that host conferences and are involved in food in some format or another.

Other Conferences: 
Dietitians of Canada (must be a student or member of the professional association)
FLEdGE – Food Locally Embedded, Globally Engaged
Canadian Association for Food Studies tends to be very evidence / research based and does have as strong social justice focus. The website is a bit dense but here’s a bit about it “The 2017 conference invites a variety of submissions that examine how community, collaboration and complexity shape Canadian identities and Canada’s food systems and food movements.”
ACORN: Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Networks:
Slow Food Canada: Multiple conferences per province/territory
National School Food Conference (First one Sept 2016)

Have a great day!


2 thoughts on “Food Security & Organizations Networks & Gatherings”

  1. Heheh “food movement tends to happen via word of mouth”. Not a day goes by where there isn’t a food movement via my mouth 🙂

    1. haha Parker – this is true but I was talking about the people that are activists around food and I know that you knew that 🙂 Thanks for pointing out though how there are so many ways to think about food!

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