Anyone else still craving fall comfort food?

Similar to many – I noticed my normal chocolate craving increased when I realized my chocolate stash was out for about a week – and then I found my baking chocolate chips. This was in the first three weeks of Covid-19. I know many of us have had our food routine’s change and now a few months in as we begin to step back out into the world – it has been interesting to see where each of us have landed. For me – I’ve been quite surprised at my cravings… although the craving for chocolate almonds below were not a surprise.

Surprisingly, as I’ve continued to ask myself what I’m craving – my desire for comfort food has translated into warm soups and pumpkin / European sweet breads. These would typically be fall cravings for me but here we are in a beautiful BC spring and I still want them. Although a good asian fusion soup has always been a comfort food in my adult life. I have been teased by everyone about my fall desires but it feels so nourishing to indulge in these warm flavours that my body is craving for comfort.

So here we are – my first attempt at a spicy salty coconut curry noodle soup – somewhat asian inspired. I’m not a ‘natural’ cook that ‘gets’ the flavours that need to be put together – I just get super excited about all food (and therefore naturally think ALL flavours should go together – fyi they don’t). So now I just accept my messy process of cooking and figuring out why a recipe didn’t work is half the fun.

Thankfully – this one actually happened without too many mishaps and I really enjoyed that I could put in the extra greens. As I got to the end of the soup I can tell you I added a few more green leafy veg, and at the end added a couple eggs to steam when there wasn’t enough protein left. It was exactly what I wanted at the time. And it really felt so comforting.

Good warm soups make me smile. Asian soups remind me of growing up in Richmond and how happy I am to be a part of a country that celebrates many flavours from all over the world. And European sweet breads are nostalgic given that my Mom’s side is European. For me, food is so emotional and I am really ok with that part of me. There is something that happens when I match the food to my mood to feel incredibly satiated.

There has been so much going on over the past few months that making time for the little things that make me happy has been so important. Finding the little gratefuls and being kind to myself and others – such as knowing it is ok to consume food that fills me emotionally.

Often when I don’t feel like doing the next step – I try to ask myself “what is a slight upgrade from what I think or feel like doing?”

And sometimes an upgrade is actually adding nuts and fruit to cereal. Sometimes it means leftovers. Sometimes it means cooking (even if it doesn’t work out perfectly). And sometimes it might mean adding more local food. Wherever you are in your process is ok. As we all know – we are redefining our routines as we newly step into the world – hopefully with kindness.

Surprisingly – as I write this I realize that as I’ve been making foods that provide me comfort in other ways (more soups please!) – my chocolate cravings have also decreased. (aha! I did make it to step two! ) It’s part of the ebb and flow of listening to ourselves and our needs (this is called intuitive eating). With a little bit of effort.

As I told my friends the other day – I swear I’m just going through the day giving myself gold stars for all my little wins.

At first – I fell back on my ‘back up foods’ for the past few months. When things get crazy – I’m ok with that. I still eat at home, but they will be simple foods. This is because the last few months have been swamped.

Normal priorities have been out of balance for me since I’ve spent extra time checking in on loved ones and extra time on issues related to household food insecurity – defined as the inability to meet nutrition needs due to financial constraints. The system issues with food that have always been there since I started working on it in 2008 (ack! 12 years) have suddenly been exposed with COVID-19. The impact of policy becomes ever apparent to me and how the decisions we make, and our voice to people who make decisions matters. We can continue to approach this work with curiosity and kindness. This work is important. And so is taking care of ourselves with kindness.

I like asking questions to direct my next move – sometimes it means cutting myself some slack – and sometimes it means asking ‘what is a little more?’

The next question with this comforting soup – is how can I use ingredients that might be more sustainable? But right now – I’m human, and the kindest thing for me is to just be in the kitchen. And I’m grateful to have a kitchen. So I will let myself play. To have fun with cooking and laugh at the mess that I will invariably make. So that I continue to have the energy to question how the foods I eat impact my health, my neighbours health and my comumunities health.

My offering to you today – is to consider – what if we are kind with food?

Now excuse me while I take some time to cook some more fall comfort food.

Much love


4 thoughts on “A bit of kindness with our comfort foods in COVID-19”

  1. Yesterday the weather had turned surprisingly ‘fall-ish”, so comfort food was already on my meal-plan for supper. I had pierogies (store-bought frozen) which were boiled, then pan-fried with lots of caramelized onions. Sour cream is delicious with pierogies, but I skipped that yesterday because a thick layer of onions can satisfy me every time . A fresh salad balanced out this comforting flavour-experience.

  2. Soups, stews and casseroles are fall comfort dishes that I still enjoy in the spring/summer. My Mum’s split pea soup is one of my all-time childhood favorites.
    Thanks for the great post Irena!

    1. How fun! So glad Stefan and thank you! I’m glad this post could bring back a great soup memory!

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